Thursday, December 26, 2019

Ethics in Education - 1245 Words

â€Å"Ethics in Education† Learning Team B Gen300 Dr. Athalene Mc Nay 4-20-2008 I. What is ethics? A. A definition of ethics. B. How are ethics used in education? II. Integrity is part of ethics in education. A. A definition of integrity. B. Trust relationship is essential in ethics in education. C. Academic integrity is a mutual responsibility. D. There is cheating and academic responsibility within the education system. E. Phony schools, diploma mills and false credentials are a breach of integrity. F. Integrity is important with citizenship, gratitude, fairness and courage. III. Self-confidence is a huge factor in ethics in education. A. A definition of self-confidence. B. There are three pillars of self-confidence.†¦show more content†¦Personalized learning and differentiated instruction can make or break the class with their attitude. A student needs to have self-respect for the educational achievement. Self-discipline is a very important part of education. Self-discipline is â€Å"correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement†. Self-discipline is the hardest thing to achieve in education. Instead of going out with your friends, you must decide if you need to study.Show MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of Special Education1062 Words   |  5 PagesIn The Ethics of Special Education, Howe and Miramontes (2014) outline pressing issues facing special education and provide a framework for discussing ethical challenges. The authors present case studies around personal, institutional, and policy issues. Each case includes analyses and explanation by Howe and Miramontes that provide the reader with a more comprehensive under standing of the ethical issues. The intent of Howe and Miramontes (2014) is to raise the level of thinking about ethicalRead More Ethics and Education Essay925 Words   |  4 PagesEthics and Education Ethics and Morals are two important words everyone knows, but which very few truly understand. 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